Language: Program Magazynowy - Wersja angielska Program Magazynowy - Wersja polska

The price inquiry for custom software development

Company name or contact person:

Email address:

Contact phone:

Data required for estimated price offer for your software:

Software type (np. Web application, network software, one seat software)

Operational system(s) on which software must work (e.g. Windows XP)

Main function of this software will be: (e.g. Gathering data about customers)

Detailed description of functionality: (more precise description - more precise price)

Amount of data inputted daily/monthly (np. 10 new customers a day)

Number of people working on this software, user rights: (e.g. 3 Salespersons + administrator)

Integration and data exchange with other software? (e.g. data import from Excel)

Expected cooperation type (np. Remote services / Personal implementation visits / training for workers)


REMARK: We do not help students with homework and other students projects