Language: Program Magazynowy - Wersja angielska Program Magazynowy - Wersja polska

Update to latest version

If you are working on an older version of the program, you can update it by downloading and launching the file below. The first run will automatically update the structures in the database. Make a copy of the database to an external hard-drive, e.g.,a USB, before you start your update.

ATTENTION: You may download upgrades free of charge for 12 months from the date of purchase.



A history of changes introduced in new versions

Version 8.3.0

Version 8.2.6

  • Improvement to Allegro REST API integration: multiple transaction downloads to update data: payment methods and receipt/invoice document type.
  • Generating a VAT invoice from multiple GIN documents from the GIN document list.
  • Collective generation of receipts from the list of orders from customers.
  • Support for the automatic GIN creation during the collective generation of receipts and VAT invoices.
  • Printing receipt numbers on POSNET printers and converting VAT rates on fiscal printers.
  • Fixes to: price precision when generating OC->GIN depending on the settings of the net/gross Algorithm, import of items with SN to OC, grouping of Locations in the report "Stock levels in all warehouses".
  • Verification of the account when selecting serial numbers on Rental documents and verification of items data when changing the Account on Rental returns.
  • Possibility of using document's columns when define series numbers.

Version 8.2.1

  • Delivery picking on orders - the ability to scan items to obtain a GIN or Rental document based on orders from the customer.
  • Columns with summaries of quantities and values completed on orders. Columns can be added to the Order list: Completed.. To be completed..
  • Page numbering when printing, taking into account the total number of pages: 1 of 2, 2 of 2..
  • Group change of remarks, prices, properties in the warehouse document edition window.
  • Support for target location when "add S/N" on MM.
  • Support for "Document date" when importing GIN documents with Excel files.
  • New document numbering pattern "day of the year": DDD (capital letters) in 3 variants: DDD = 001, DD = 01 or D = 1
  • Improvements to the event log.

Version 8.1.8

  • Updating the module downloading data on exchange rates to reflect changes introduced on the NBP website.
  • Option for GIN "Sales prices the same as purchase prices" - i.e. prices at GIN will always be equal to purchase prices from GRN
  • Free selection of serial numbers on IT,LC,AS documents (allow selection of SN from unrelated deliveries)
  • Automatic linking of documents and creation of multiple lines on IT documents for items whose deliveries include different batch numbers and expiration dates.
  • Archiving libraries (hiding old libraries) and archives of unused ones in Items / Items
  • Restricting the visibility of columns dedicated to your own document types.

Version 8.1.4

  • Ability to create your own document types based on "Definable Document". The document will only have the date and document number, and the remaining data and row contents can be defined in "Dedicated columns" / Definable document and Elements of the definable document.
  • Support for raw material substitutes in product libraries and automatic picking taking into account substitutes. Report on used quantities for individual substitutes after product completion.
  • New algorithm for calculating the degree of completion for orders. Additional columns with the number and value of items completed and to be completed for individual orders.
  • Expanding the list of columns in "items components" and designing your own printouts with dedicated columns.
  • Adding the option to design your own document in the "raw materials" tab.
  • Support for an additional order status flag - "Blocks document editing".

Version 8.0.8

  • Integration of stock levels with WordPress WooCommerce. Update of actual or available states. Comparison for a selected warehouse or the sum of all warehouses. Optional end of publication in the store at zero stock. Option to copy LoMag->WooC or WooC->LoMag items. LoMag->Wooc price update.
  • New functions of KSEF support: Shipping wizard enabling changing shipping options for selected invoices, Viewing values sent to KSEF in a clear tree form, UPO download function (Official Receipt Confirmation). Prompt and clear test/demo KSeF entries when changing settings to production system. Enabling editing of invoice statuses. Reminder about unsent invoices when closing the program.
  • Support for the "Allow any S/N selection" option in the serial number selection window in the Inventory.

Version 8.0.6

  • A new type of dedicated column "Link to Document" for warehouse documents.
  • Possibility to group the results in tables and program reports. For numeric columns, it is possible to select an aggregation function: sum, min, max, avg, count
  • Transferring filters applied in warehouse documents, orders to document printouts. (printing selected part of the document)
  • Displaying the total quantity on the document and the total quantity and value to be fulfilled on the order list.
  • Expansion of the import of order and issue documents with the option of updating fields based on the selected column.
  • Design your own printouts in the product components window.
  • Possibility to generate RS->GIN/iGIN documents with only lines with available items.

Version 8.0.1

  • Sending invoices to KSeF (Polish National e-Invoice System).
  • Creating purchase pricelists for suppliers and maintaining them on GRN/OC/PI documents.
  • Detailed permissions for each field when editing the item list.
  • New document generators and relationships between documents: RNT-RET, GRN-OC and GIN-OC.
  • Support for related product barcode in libraries.

Version 7.9.7

  • Import of items and raw materials from Excel files.
  • Automatic picking when generating documents collectively.
  • In the item edition window, a new "Delivery" tab for a given item.
  • Optional copying of dedicated columns from the item list to rental items with the same column names.
  • Additional option in the group change of items: "Update in other warehouses".
  • Adding a discount field for the customer when adding items to the invoice.
  • Expanding user permissions for libraries.
  • Import function of libraries with dedicated columns.
  • Option to generate IT documents for IR and GIN corrections.
  • Improvements to discounts when generating OC-OS and GIN-IV and the GIN Invoice creator.

Version 7.8.8

  • We have added the "EXPIRY" scenario to the existing FIFO, FEFO and LOCPRIO methods - i.e. automatic selection of deliveries according to the oldest expiration date.
  • Placing locks on various types of documents from the Settings->Accounts window. e.g. we can block sales or rentals for selected accounts who meet certain criteria.
  • Transferring filters from document tables to order and picking printouts.
  • Import of columns of dedicated document elements for products and picking raw materials.
  • Numbering templates for series numbers (in Settings / Items).
  • Generating new document types based on: Orders from Customer and Order to Supplier
  • Additional options for importing from Excel: saving elements from different locations as separate lines, importing libraries with dedicated columns.
  • More detailed verification of data correctness when registering accounts.

Version 7.7.8

  • Designing labels with GS1 QR codes in the LoMag multi-field template editor using application identifiers (AIs).
  • Optional support for different barcode lengths for AIs 00 Serial Shipping Unit Number (SSCC).
  • Generating one collective invoice from multiple proformas or multiple orders.
  • Import of multiple orders from Excel files.
  • Grouping of raw materials and products on picking printouts.
  • Support for viewing and selecting deliveries when adding and editing items to rental documents.
  • Import and update of items according to the selected dedicated product column.
  • Possibility to rebuild the hierarchy of product groups in the tree (drag&drop).
  • Option in settings: prompt when saving AS with different product/raw material values.
  • Options in the email tab: ability to enter multiple recipients after comma.

Version 7.7.0

  • Detailed definition of user roles for individual document fields.
  • Ability to define discounts from customer records.
  • Printout improvements: multi-level table sorting, optional "No." column with row numbers.
  • Copy column layouts for users/roles.
  • Improvements to the reservation module: Validation of reservations from the Rental module, validation of several reservations for the same product.
  • Possibility to edit dedicated fields in the invoice list view.
  • Adding interactive links to the offer document template.
  • Profit reporting improvements for returns, invoice corrections and receipts.
  • Grouping of raw materials during picking and printouts summarizing the quantities of raw materials.

Version 7.6.4

  • New "request for payment" function from the Payments menu / Payment records / window with unsettled invoices / Debt collection.
  • In the "Design print" menu it is possible to design many templates for the appearance of a customer call/reminder.
  • There is also an additional option to automate email content sent to debtors. When selecting the sending of a template with a specific name in the "Debt Collection" menu, if there is also an email template with the same name in the database, it is selected as the default one.
  • Possibility of automatic division of the additional purchase cost into individual items of the GRN document.
  • Quickly create IT documents with serial numbers using the "add S/N" button as scans of subsequent serial numbers.
  • Option block price changes on related documents (GRN/PI) by more than: x%.
  • A new field in the template editor "Copy number" which numbers the printed copies of the label on subsequent labels.
  • Adding columns "Suggested sales price" and "price from the contractor's price list" when searching for items on the RFQ.
  • Displaying the "Location Code" and "Location Name" columns on the inventory document.
  • New document generators RET->IT, menu list IT->II.

Version 7.5.8

  • New large icons for the toolbar and additions to icons for new program functions.
  • Support for exchange rates on GIN documents.
  • Optional change of item price on IT documents.
  • New option: Block price changes on related documents (GRN/PI) by more than x%.

Version 7.5.0

  • Possibility to customize the toolbar with buttons from the main menu and your own arrangement of large icons in the main menu and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Grouping items on warehouse documents when scanning subsequent barcodes with a reader (sums the number of scans).
  • Ability to print QR codes for quick user login. (user list / edit / QR code).
  • Download all rates button (retrieves the missing rates available in a given year for a given currency).
  • Hide the bookmarks bar as separate permissions for users.
  • New "add S/N" function on the Change of Warehouse Location document.
  • Translating country names in foreign language templates.
  • Adding delivery numbers for raw materials to picking.
  • Automatic change of order status and completed quantities for the generate RFQ->IT function.

Version 7.4.2

  • German language version - interface and printouts in German.
  • Support for exporting to the new JPK_VAT file format (version 2).
  • Ability to archive old bank account numbers.
  • Optional issuance of GINc documents for sales correction invoices.
  • The modification of the column calculation was made based on connections with order lines.
  • Ability to define default values for dedicated fields.

Version 7.3.6

  • Creating product groups in the form of a tree - selecting and searching for products from the category tree. Menu option: Settings / Items / Hierarchical groups of items.
  • Possibility of individual product numbering for each product group. Menu Items / Groups of items / Edit / Barcode numbering pattern.
  • Support for import and export to the new JPK_FA VAT invoice file format (version 4).
  • Creating a logic for assigning automatic serial numbers for items received in stock using GRN documents.
  • Automatic picking of items when importing items to the GIN. If there are no raw materials for completion, a report with a list of shortages.
  • Possibility to archive items via Import from Excel. Group change function on GRN, GIN, ZH documents.
  • New option for Picking documents in the "Get product price from raw materials" settings. Then, if the product is also on the list of raw materials, the price of the product will be equal to the price of the raw material.
  • Possibility to update items in the database via Excel files using a selected dedicated field that identifies the updated item.
  • Import of data from Excel to warehouse documents using a unique dedicated column.
  • Printing labels for the product library - single labels or all labels depending on the selected items.
  • Possibility to send attachments from dedicated columns when sending e-mail with invoices.
  • Speed optimization for large data sets by limiting the number of rows displayed.
  • New possibilities for designing items labels using columns dedicated to series numbers.
  • When correcting the GIN, the program will add separate items for each delivery to maintain the correct product expiration dates and batch numbers.

Version 7.2.9

  • Priorities for warehouse locations in the Goods / Warehouse locations menu.
  • A new method of issuing items, LocPRIO, in which the program issues items according to the lowest location priorities.
  • Columns dedicated to series numbers. (Settings / Dedicated columns)
  • A new type of document "change of batch number" which assigns a new batch number to a batch of items.
  • Possibility to change the names of items in orders and offers. ("allow name change" option in settings)
  • Support for adding items by serial numbers in the Picking window for raw materials.
  • New document generators: GRN -> ZL, IT -> ZL, GRN->IT generation with S/N support.
  • New option block price conversion on GIN documents related to the RFQ.
  • Calculation columns for invoices, e.g., allow you to create a "to be paid" based on a dedicated "paid" column.
  • Remembering the last print template for invoices. After reopening, the document remembers which print template was used in each invoice.
  • In the offer list, columns presenting related orders to suppliers and customers.
  • Copying the contents of dedicated columns from the GRN to the GIN using the "save as separate lines" option.
  • The "Report of rented items" will additionally present data on rentals for any day and serial numbers.

Version 7.2.0

  • Automatic product picking by issuing a receipt or invoice.
  • Optional selection of series numbers from the dictionary (as a required field).
  • Implementation of a button and shortcuts for quick printing of labels on GRN.
  • Import of items using the column dedicated to items for offers and orders.
  • New option for warehouse picking: "limit the list of raw materials based on product definition".
  • The "block automatic conversion" option during picking will only calculate the price for products without this checkmark.
  • Table with columns dedicated to Serial Numbers in the windows for entering new SNs.
  • New formats for importing CSV files with payments (MT940, BGŻ, BNP Paribas).
  • Generating warehouse picking from the GRN document.
  • Counter of selected rows in lookup tables.

Version 7.1.0

  • PEF Platform (Electronic Invoicing Platform) - possibilities of issuing e-invoices in the electronic invoice system developed by the government,
  • Support for selected GS1 system application identifiers: codes with weight, quantity, production batch, batch date, expiration date. The functionality includes both the ability to print logistic labels with EAN128 codes as well as parsing codes on warehouse documents.
  • Visual and functional corrections to warehouse documents: e.g. emphasizing the document number, adding items using the Insert key.
  • Improvements in the payment module: "Unsettled contractor invoices", "Number of days after payment due date".
  • A new option in designing correction invoices - a table containing a list of previous advance payments (as negative values).
  • Possibility of batch updating of purchase prices by importing data from an Excel file.
  • Support for new connections between documents, e.g. Offer-Proforma.
  • Optimization of the speed of inventory approval and optional columns on the inventory "VAT rate", "VAT value".
  • New user rights, e.g. "Block editing of associations".
  • Possibility to define calculation columns in orders and offers.
  • Additional contractor columns visible on printouts for a dedicated column of the "contractor link" type: name, city, postal code, street, person, telephone, email.
  • Import of items on an open reservation document using a dedicated field that contains a unique number identifying the items.
  • Import of raw materials in product libraries using a dedicated field with a unique number identifying the item.

Version 6.4.0

  • The last version with a package of fixes and support for old systems: Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000. Subsequent versions of LoMag 7.x.x will be based on the .net Framework 4.6 libraries and will work on Windows 7,8,10,11

Version 6.3.8

  • Operating truck scales, configuring weighing devices, weighing documents, printing weight receipts, creating warehouse documents based on weight receipts.
  • A new way of handling serial numbers via the "SN Support" flag in the item list.
  • Possibility to enable serial number support with random N/S generation for existing movements + Possibility of group change.
  • A new tab in the Product History presenting the history of product reservations.
  • Support for quick selection of items based on serial numbers "Add S/N" in Loan and Return documents.
  • New columns on the Invoice printout containing series numbers and expiration dates based on the related GIN document.
  • Invoicing GIN in the date range in the invoice and receipt creator.

Version 6.2.8

  • Issuing subsequent corrections to invoices correcting advance invoices.
  • Possibility to import multiple items reservations from Excel.
  • Option to create JPK for purchase invoices.
  • Receipts for advance and final invoices.
  • Modification of the program closing window - optimization and backup as checked boxes.
  • Adding the "design printout" function to the Inventory report.
  • Possibility to update fields dedicated to serial numbers in Search / Serial Numbers / Update.
  • Added a new option for "Proforma invoice" documents: include the "Ordered" column when calculating.
  • New flag for order statuses "Order paid" and automatic setting of Invoice statuses when generating GIN->Invoice and OC->Invoice.
  • LoMag optimizations to work with a remote database. "Tracking" module for tracking SQL calls.

Version 6.2.4

  • Window for quick entry of serial numbers for all items when generating warehouse documents from orders.
  • Changing messages when closing the program - handling accidental closing, archiving and optimization.
  • Advanced picking options: Adding raw materials from the product library when adding the product library to AS.
  • Designing and printing items labels from dedicated reports.
  • Improvement of the "generate GIN" function so that after detecting an existing GIN, it is possible to generate another GIN with the rest of the items.
  • Ability to set a default warehouse for each user.
  • New options in the email notification module: Sending notifications based on dedicated columns, the "do not send a copy of the notification when the next exceedance is exceeded" option, notification when the maximum level has been reached by all products from a given group.

Version 6.2.0

  • New document type: Receipt Correction
  • Import of payments from an MT940 file (compatible with ING, PKO BP, PEKAO SA, Idea Bank) and the ability to link to an invoice on the list of payment documents in the "Payment Records" window
  • Allowing you to add photos to printouts based on the path to the photo in a dedicated "attachment" type column.
  • Implementation of a mechanism for archival order statuses.
  • Search by production batch number in Search / documents.
  • Option to open the cash register drawer after printing the receipt.
  • When generating items issues based on invoices, a prompt will appear with a proposal to supplement the GIN document with uninvoiced items when the elements of the invoice do not match the elements of the GIN.
  • Selecting the target location of the item when generating GRN->IT.
  • New types of notifications for reaching the minimum level, including picking reservations.
  • For dedicated columns, you can optionally disable or disable searching for a given column.
  • In the picking document, it is possible to add a library of products with serial number support.

Version 6.1.3

  • Possibility to design complex columns in the template editor on printouts, containing many product attributes in each row.
  • New functions of the document template editor: Changing graphic elements such as table header - border, background.
  • Possibility to generate GIN->Invoice for only items that have not yet been invoiced from the invoice level and the invoice creator.
  • New email notification options - division of notifications depending on product groups.
  • Dedicated columns for picking documents, group location change from the picking level.
  • Copying picking documents and a new picking status flag blocking the document for editing.
  • Import values from Excel into dedicated drop-down fields.
  • Printing labels for selected product lines or selected raw materials in picking.
  • New fields when designing picking printouts: employee fields, login of the printing person, number of the related RFQ.
  • Picking print templates divided into picking types.
  • Automatic completion of missing products on invoices (AS documents are created).
  • Blocking IT until confirmation of receipt + ability to select which IT will require confirmation.
  • New roles for all documents: add element, remove element, edit element.
  • Printing items labels for selected order lines.

Version 6.0.4

  • Quick view in the contractor's history of order history and invoice history.
  • Links opening contractor and product records in searches, documents and reports.
  • Import of items from deliveries with the indicated Excel series number into GIN documents.
  • In search/delivery ability to create documents from the context menu.
  • Possibility to create columns dedicated to the product summarizing the current status based on RM elements.
  • Currency support when importing invoices from XLS.
  • Import of serial numbers into rental documents.
  • New columns in the item list: "Available - reserved", markup and margin.
  • Possibility of issuing a Correction Invoice with the Buyer, the VAT payer and the recipient.
  • Dedicated calculation columns visible in the item edition window with the conversion option.
  • the average purchase price in the product card and the current value as a hint.
  • For the list of products in picking, it is possible to define your own dedicated fields on printouts.
  • New report List of items on Change of Location documents.

Version 5.9.9

  • Improvements to the Payments module: quick search in tables, "everyone" item on the list of accounts in the payment window, "auto settle" option. in the IV file.
  • Support for rental price lists and import of rental rates from an XLS file.
  • Possibility to define different order statuses for RFQs/ICs.
  • Additional information when editing a product with a list of libraries in which a given product appears.
  • Option to define sales prices in the library and insert these prices when issuing items.

Version 5.9.4

  • A new payment module enabling settlement of invoices and receipts. Payment records include both purchase and sales invoices. The module is available free of charge to users who have a current license for the invoice module.
  • Option to force location entry on positive warehouse movements.
  • Information about existing locations of a given product on positive movements.

Version 5.9.2

  • Option to automatically update suggested purchase prices based on purchase invoices and items receipts.
  • Improvements in the document template and label editor. New window for editing long descriptive texts.
  • New options in the recurring invoice creator in the rental module and on rental printouts.

Version 5.9.0

  • Generator of recurring invoices for the rental of items in a given period.
  • New picking option: "Allow adding incomplete resource libraries."
  • Support for related entities in JPK_VAT - setting the TP flag.
  • Export to Comarch Optima with support for the TP flag for the contractor and invoice.
  • New document visibility permissions: "Show other users' documents".
  • Generating purchase invoices from multiple GRN documents.
  • New reporting possibilities for rental companies in the dedicated report creator.

Version 5.8.5

  • Generating a JPK VAT file with GTU codes for exporting LoMag data to various accounting programs. DO NOT use the JPK V7M file to settle VAT with the Tax Office.
  • The "Add GTU Codes" button in the columns dedicated to the product.
  • Support for JPK_V7 GTU codes when exporting data to the Comarch Optima format.
  • New version of the integrator with Allegro Rest API login via the default browser.
  • Support for automatic product picking when generating Order -> GIN.
  • Automatic generation and sending of invoices to customers in PDF based on selected orders.
  • Possibility of entering S/N on the GRN from the order level and selecting serial numbers when generating the GRN->GRN.
  • New types of links between documents: RET-IV/REC, REC->RET.

Version 5.8.0

  • Automatic completion of missing products when issuing items on GIN documents.
  • Working days service Monday - Saturday in rental units. New "rental history" report.
  • Extension of the function of importing warehouse documents from another database to include warehouse movements.
  • New columns in the product catalog and search giving the quantities of completed and available items for picking
  • Optimizing the speed of functions that calculate the quantities of ordered and available items.

Version 5.7.6

  • Possibility to define many print templates in standard and dedicated reports.
  • Creating new document types based on picking.
  • Generating raw materials and completion products from the order level. (with the possibility of multiple generation for unfulfilled order lines).
  • New unit: Working days (Mon-Fri) in the rental module, which excludes holidays from calculating the rental price.
  • Improving the unfulfilled orders report to also show partially unfulfilled lines.

Version 5.7.1

  • QR code with network settings. It allows you to configure Android devices and client computers by scanning the code.
  • Importing a list of warehouse locations from Excel files.
  • Possibility to import the content of Change Warehouse Location documents from Excel files
  • New role in permissions so that selected users cannot update the database to a newer version.
  • Generating GIN documents from selected deliveries from the level of LC documents.
  • Possibility to design labels and documents using text parameters entered immediately before printing. Possibility to use a given parameter multiple times in the template.

Version 5.6.8

  • Possibility to define new connections between documents: Invoices - rental return, GIN - receipt..
  • Multi-page document printouts in the rental module.
  • Rental module: Rental reports broken down by items.

Version 5.6.7

  • Displaying information about the last sales price for a given contractor on commercial documents.
  • Modification of the mechanism for updating items in other warehouses when editing the item list.
  • Corrections to the JPK file generator for corrective invoices, saving data to PDF, updating prices and mark-ups during group changes of items.

Version 5.6.5

  • Improvements and fixes to integration modules with BaseLinker and Allegro REST API
  • Support for two-stage items picking. Settings / Picking / Enable two-step picking
  • Improvements to importing data from Excel allowing for updating data by code or product name.

Version 5.6.1

  • Multi-page document templates - ability to combine several basic templates into one complex one.
  • Possibility to define different columns of dedicated items for different product groups.
  • Adaptation of LoMag to the Posnet Online protocol and handling of cash points.
  • Issuing a collective GIN document for many orders from recipients.
  • Multi-level sorting in tables and reports.
  • Handling of component items on order documents.

Version 5.5.5

  • Dedicated columns enable archiving attachments in the database for the order, items and accounts modules.
  • Import of documents from the database with dedicated fields and maintaining the original numbering
  • Improvements in the Rental module: Possibility to add dedicated columns to created templates. In the rental return window, a numeric field allowing you to specify the number of paid rental days, in the product edition window and the Rental tab, a "service" text field with the name that will be substituted in the product name field when issuing an invoice for the rental, Support for other rental services.

Version 5.5.1

  • New "Reservations" module. The module allows you to add, print and manage reservations of items in the warehouse, create reservations from the order level, create issues and loans from reservations. Reporting allows you to view active reservations for a given customer, product and time period.

Version 5.5.0

  • Support for integration with the system: Updating prices and stock levels for items and downloading orders from BaseLinker.
  • LoMag interface support in Czech.
  • Tax identification number (TIN) printout on fiscal receipts (if completed in the customer's data).
  • Maintaining payment records on purchase invoices.

Version 5.4.6

  • White list of VAT payers service - downloading and checking accounts' bank account numbers.
  • Additional tables grouping items on rental printouts.
  • Visibility of issues and reservations in the delivery selection control on GIN and IR documents.
  • Support for automatic synchronization of orders and states for Allegro Rest API in the integrator.

Version 5.4.3

  • Allegro Rest API support in the integrator.
  • Determining product prices in the list both based on the margin and manual entry of the net/gross amount.
  • Possibility to change the gross value on invoices.
  • E-mail notifications about minimum stocks for picking documents.
  • Support for printing TIN on fiscal receipts.

Version 5.4.1

  • Support for Serial Numbers in the rental module, including support for the "Allow free selection of serial numbers regardless of selected deliveries" option.
  • Possibility to group items by series numbers on printouts of warehouse documents.
  • Support for additional tags in the e-mail template editing window: [Document.Number], [Document.Date], [Document.Type]

Version 5.3.8

  • Support for the new JPK invoice file structure (version 2)
  • Mass sending of e-mail correspondence with invoices to customers from the invoice list
  • Approval of picking - option in settings (Settings -> Documents -> Picking -> "Enable withdrawal/acceptance of picking"). After enabling this option, a status bar will appear at the top of the picking editing window with information on whether a given document has the status "approved" or "withdrawn" and a button enabling withdrawal/acceptance of such a document. If the document has the "withdrawn" status, it does not modify inventory levels. If it is in this state and it already contains some connections with deliveries (the "Raw materials" items are not empty), then we treat these related deliveries as reserved deliveries.
  • When an attempt is made to download from a reserved delivery, depending on the value of the option in the settings (Settings -> Goods -> "Block attempts to release already reserved items"), the program will not allow such an operation (option value YES) or will allow the release, and when the attempt is made accepting the picking document, an error will be displayed stating that there are not enough items in stock (option value NO). A new "Reserved" column has been added to the GIN/II/IT issue tables, informing how many items from a given delivery are reserved.

Version 5.3.5

  • Possibility to monitor planned deliveries of items from suppliers from the items list and documents
  • Expansion of order statuses with new actions, e.g. items from canceled orders will be available on subsequent documents
  • Additional print template "invoice correction (difference)" and the ability to design your own correction printouts containing only changed items in the template editor.
  • Support for grouping items on orders for libraries.
  • Corrections regarding the mechanisms for creating JPK files. Improved import of corrective invoices from JPK.
  • Support for multiple warehouses in stock reports with order analysis and optimization of sales reports

Version 5.3.1

  • Additional fields in searching for items on TV, receipts, files, label editor, picking.
  • Improved delivery selection for Serial Numbers in the Inventory generation procedure from inventory sheets.
  • Support for new user roles and permissions.

Version 5.2.8

  • Implementation of e-mail notifications about minimum stocks and items releases.
  • Improved currency conversion mechanism for Orders from suppliers.
  • Possibility to add product libraries on orders from recipients.
  • Additional columns in the dedicated report creator.

Version 5.2.5

  • Support for columns of dedicated documents and document elements in the rental store.
  • Configuration of the GIN deliveries table and dedicated columns for deliveries in the GIN deliveries table.
  • The "Block items on proforma invoices" option allows you to control the stock level with multiple proforma invoices for the same items.
  • Extension of the invoice creator to create receipts and proforma invoices.
  • Modification of saving fiscal printer settings enabling the assignment of printers to computers.
  • Quick search in the product history by text fragment.

Version 5.1.9

  • Ability to add descriptive lines in offers and orders.
  • Copying order and offer lines and changing the order of the lines.
  • Implementation of dedicated calculation columns for GRN, GIN, IR, II warehouse movement elements.
  • Additional columns in "Sales profit" reports, "serial numbers after decimal point" column on the GIN printout.

Version 5.1.4

  • Support for negative values for services added to orders.
  • Possibility to generate GIN/II/AS documents only from selected GRN deliveries.
  • Handling the purchase price when defining the price in the price list
  • Warning when selling on invoice at a price lower than the purchase price.
  • Adding quick search for items on documents.
  • Support for sorting document elements on printouts: "Sort as in table"
  • When defining dedicated text columns, you can choose a length from 1 to 4000 characters.

Version 5.1.2

  • Function set locations for multiple items in IR and IT documents as the target location in the target warehouse.
  • Saving selected options in the import window
  • Option to erase values in a dedicated date field
  • Archiving types of transport
  • Improved customer selection for the dedicated "contractor link" field
  • Group change of the "comments" field for items

Version 5.0.8

  • Possibility to add product libraries on IT documents.
  • An option that ensures the uniqueness of barcodes in the warehouse.
  • Import of rental items from Excel files.
  • Modification of mechanisms for calculating the degree of order fulfillment.
  • Individual permissions for derived document types.
  • Support for dedicated calculation columns for order items, including dedicated product columns.

Version 5.0.7

  • Support for INNOVA fiscal printers
  • Added to the Help / Remote Support menu - allows secure access to remote and technical support using TeamViewer technology

Version 5.0.4

  • Support for NOVITUS fiscal printers.
  • Support for ELZAB fiscal printers.
  • Importing invoices from XML files.
  • Corrections and improvements to S/N numbers, SQL 2016 support

Version 4.9.7

  • Improvements to price lists: support for many warehouses, importing price list for accounts.
  • Group change of location on GRN documents.
  • Design and print labels for warehouse locations.

Version 4.9.2

  • Purchase invoices and corrections of purchase invoices. GRN documents can be generated from purchase invoices, editing links between purchase invoices and GRN documents.
  • New type of dedicated column: "Attachment (from file)" for warehouse documents. This column allows you to save disk files directly in the SQL database and open from other computers.
  • Improvements in sending emails with documents - the ability to add your own logo in the body of the message and additional recipients CC, Bcc.

Version 4.8.7

  • Support for item's price lists in many currencies, net / gross amounts and assigning them to accounts.
  • Optional calculations of rental costs and new reports in the rental module.
  • Import of multiple invoices from an Excel file.
  • Export of invoices to the EDI XML format.

Version 4.8.2

  • Support for warehouse locations in item's libraries.
  • Optional saving of settings for each table in each warehouse separately for each user.

Version 4.7.9

  • New option in the settings: Optimize LoMag to work with large data sets (recommended when the number of items in the warehouse is over 20 000)
  • Automatic creation of new items from the GRN documents
  • Support for the net and gross sales price from the GIN document
  • Designing your own templates for physical inventory

Version 4.6.7

  • The ability to design color labels in the Label designer and color documents in the Templates editor. For text, database fields, tables, and other items, you can personalize colors or shades of gray.
  • New report: Profit from sales for invoices
  • Defining your own document types based on advance invoices and final invoices.
  • Printout "Physical inventory" in the "Documents / Inventory" based on the current stock.

Version 4.6

  • Defining your own document types based on existing documents with a different numbering, different print template, VAT rate, and separate document management. For example, we can create a new type "Invoice EU" with a default VAT rate of 0%, different printing layout and separate numbering.
  • Support of credit limit for customers. Checking and warning when exceeding the limit of unpaid invoices.
  • Improved export to Excel XLS files, export data to CSV files
  • Support of low qty threshold on MM documents

Version 4.5.5

  • Support for multiple company accounts in Settings / Company. Lets you define branch offices and different bank accounts for currencies.
  • Ability to rotate elements in the label editor by 90,180,270 degrees for barcodes, text fields, fields, images, dates.
  • Dedicated columns for Assembly documents. List of missing items from the library on Assembly documents.

Version 4.5

  • Defining Alarms for multiple columns in tables. Provides the ability to warn the background color of a given row when certain conditions are met in multiple columns at the same time.
  • The ability to design prints containing serial numbers of items with columns dedicated to warehouse documents.
  • Optional inventory control when ordering from customers. Blocking order creation when the total order quantity exceeds the current status.

Version 4.4.5

  • Removing duplicated accounts - possibility to merge several accounts into one entry.
  • Removing duplicated items - possibility to merge several items into one item.

Version 4.4.5

  • Dedicated columns for elements of warehouse movements, Libraries of items and elements of Libraries
  • New type of a dedicated column: Calculated column defined by pattern, e.g. quantity of items in stock - minimum stock.
  • Possibility to import multiple documents simultaneously from Excel files.
  • VAT payer's data and optional delivery address in the account's file.
  • Invoice printing template with the payer and the recipient.

Version 4.3

  • Extension of product libraries with prices, and a possibility to copy libraries.
  • Mechanism to remove inventory movements and creation of the OB document based on stock levels.
  • Handling of advance and final invoices in foreign currencies.

Version 4.2

  • Option of using many products in the assembly process.
  • Printing multiple documents to PDF files.
  • Support for the prices in item's libraries.

Version 4.1

  • Columns dedicated to warehouses e.g. warehouse address, which can be placed on documents.
  • Blocking old documents after the settlement period or a fixed amount of days has elapsed.
  • Automatic refresh of search data when working on many computers.
  • Group change of data for many items e.g. adding one photo to many items.

Version 4.0.6

  • Wizard for dedicated reports which enables the visual generation of new reports basing on fields from the database.
  • Adding typical actions to the context menu in the tables e.g. for marked items -> create document.
  • Creating dedicated columns for LoMag users and an option of adding fields on the documents e.g. e-mail address of the person who prepared the offer

Version 4.0

  • Support of POSNET fiscal printers
  • Option of fast printing of receipts which creates automatically related GIN documents.
  • New types of dedicated columns: Drop-down field with an option of defining a dictionary of values, Reference to the item, Reference to the account

Version 3.8.5

  • Support of printout of two-dimensional QR codes on labels and documents.
  • Update of account data download from the GUS database.

Version 3.8

  • Prepayment and final invoices (in the invoice module).
  • Editor with an option of designing the appearance of the report printouts.
  • Creating new documents through copying the existing documents (warehouse and commercial).
  • Automatic download of exchange rates from the Polish National Bank.

Version 3.7.4

  • Generating an SCF (Single Control File ) in the Settings/General menu.
  • Transferring items between warehouses just based on serial numbers (for unique S/N).
  • A mechanism recognising automatically skipped numbers of invoices and a report of the skipped document numbers.
  • Printout of empty inventory sheets and an option of editing their appearance in the template editor.

Version 3.7

  • Support of proof of payment documents (KP), payment settlements, automatic changes of invoice statuses.
  • New type of document Receipt in invoice module.
  • Option of defining own headers and footers in document template editor
  • Automatic logout from application after a set time of inaction.

Version 3.6.5

  • Support of currency on orders and offers.
  • Detailed logs of user activity and detailed reports of who and when added, edited and removed data.
  • Streamlined wizard of item import with an option of simultaneous import to various warehouses and support of serial numbers of items.
  • Import of documents from another warehouse or another database for offers, orders to supplier, orders from customer.
  • New mechanism of downloading account data from GUS database (Tax Identification Number is enough, without the code from the image)

Version 3.6

  • VAT invoices in foreign currencies. Support of standard currencies: EUR, USD, GBP and and option of adding your own currencies. Tables with currency exchange rates and an option of editing and recalculating the value of invoices.
  • The possibility of selecting a currency in which the VAT on the invoice will be calculated. Printouts and recaps of tax settled in a different currency.
  • A wizard for orders from suppliers supporting simple logistic processes connected with demand planning:
  • (1) Totalling of the quantity of orders from customers for individual items.
  • (2) Totalling with the inclusion of current stock levels and calculation of outstanding quantities for full implementation of orders.
  • (3) Totalling with the inclusion of current stock level and minimal stock level - quantities calculated in a way ensuring that the order is implemented and minimal levels are maintained.

Version 3.5

  • Russian language version of LoMag inventory management: interface and all printouts in Russian.
  • Data import supports new formats XLSX, CSV, TXT.
  • Option of using serial numbers in the assembly process.
  • New reports: items inactive at the warehouse for over X days, change of warehouse value broken down into documents.

Version 3.4

  • Wizard allowing group changes of the following item attributes: unit, group, VAT rate, supplier, suggested pricing, margins, minimum and maximum stock levels, archive, product, useful life and minimal selling price.
  • Automatic downolad of account name and address basing on the Tax Identification Number from the GUS page
  • Blocking the editing of the same document by many people when working on several comupters and a list of currently blocked documents
  • New document generators CO -> Internal GIN, SO -> GRN, PRO -> GIN, CO -> FV, CO -> PRO, SO -> CO, GRN -> GIN, CO -> GRN, FV -> GIN
  • “Copy item function in the item list
  • Generator of orders from suppliers and support of default item supplier
  • Report on interrelations between invoices and GIN documents

Version 3.3

  • The opening balance making it possible to redefine the stock level, prices and locations independent of historical inventory movements.
  • Tab bar facilitating navigation through open windows, the F5 shortcut refreshing the content of tables.
  • The possibility to design and print labels containing the following information: warehouse locations, serial numbers, expiration dates, production lot numbers, suppliers and document numbers.
  • Foreign currencies support in GRN (Good Received Note), defining and converting currency rates.
  • The possibility of defining document numbering without the leading zeros, e.g. GRN 1/2015 (pattern: GRN $/yyyy).
  • New options in the search window: a "deliveries" tab illustrating the stock levels broken down into income documents and warehouse locations and the "serial numbers" tab.
  • Modification of the mechanism for the creation of GRN and GIN: First, we select the source document, which is going to be adjusted, and then a link between the documents is created.
  • Order processing control: automatic order statuses: partial execution, full execution, "to be executed" column in orders and GIN, a message concerning the exceeded quantity from the order in the GIN.
  • The possibility of importing pictures when importing an item - one must add a column with file paths.

Version 3.2

  • Minimum selling price support - it is possible to hide the purchase price and set a limit of price reduction by sales representatives.
  • New permissions: table printing, export to XLS, visibility of purchase price in sales documents, changing document number
  • Support for two options of serial number uniqueness: unique in the entire warehouse or unique for the given item.
  • Defining of the dedicated columns for the accounts and their import from Excel.

Version 3.1

  • Advanced settings for network operations.
  • Possibility of defining dedicated columns for warehouse documents.
  • New report about relations between items received and issued.
  • Sales by individual VAT rates report.

Version 3.0

  • Additional module enabling the issue of the following documents: VAT Invoice, Invoice correction, Proforma invoice, (this module is optional and available for purchase).
  • Addtional module enabling the issuance of the following documents: Offer, Order from Customer, Order to Supplier (this module is optional and available for separate purchase).
  • ATTENTION: In order to have a free trial of the new modules you should install the demo version on your computer without LoMag.
  • Support of VAT rates for items. Option of conducting the warehouse in net or gross prices.
  • A module optimising the functioning speed of large databases (in the Help/Optimisation menu).

Version 2.8

  • Possibility of importing the items with warehouse locations from Excel files onto documents
  • Authorizations that limit the visibility of prices for selected users.
  • Default length of expiry period for items and automatic calculation of expiry date on documents based on period.
  • Possibility of adding summaries of the quantity for different units onto document.

Version 2.7

  • Possibility of working with the program in English. The default language of the interface may be defined for each user of the program.
  • New printout templates in English
  • Possibility of transfers between warehouse locations within the same warehouse using interbranch transfer documents
  • "Serial numbers on stock" report
  • "Expiry date of item" report

Version 2.6

  • Assembly (simple production module) which makes it possible to create products basing on raw materials. It is possible to add raw materials one by one or as a whole list defined as "library".
  • "Time spent on assembly" report which enables you to analyse the production time for individual products and employees
  • Warehouse locations. Allows to establish the location of the GRN document and then to choose from which location will the item be issued with a GIN. The same item may be stored in different locations and one location may store various items

Version 2.5

  • Inventory wizard which allows for a fast generation on an inventory basing on inventory sheets, current stock levels, data from Excel or a collector
  • Possibility of automatically sending PDF documents to the client's e-mail
  • Streamlined methods of entering serial numbers via imports from Excel and the collector
  • Detailed serial numbers report, S/N printouts on the documents
  • Automatic generation of EAN codes
  • Import of items to many warehouses
  • Support of wireless barcode readers

Version 2.4

  • Support of serial numbers for items (unique numbers ascribed to each item). Following item transfers with the use of serial numbers.
  • Possibility of choosing a receipt, from which the item will be issued with a GIN
  • Support of lot numbers and expiry dates
  • New options of finding and filtering data in tables
  • Printouts summing up quantities for the same products on documents

Version 2.3

  • Template editor allowing you to design your own printouts for each type of the document. Possibility of putting barcodes in each line of the document, as well as a thumbnail of the item, your own logo and other data
  • "Item turnover" report for any given period, account or group of items
  • Printing labels directly from the level of the warehouse documents with the possibility of choosing the same number of the labels as on the document.
  • Possibility of turning on automatic generation of barcodes when adding items
  • Streamlined accounts search mechanism

Version 2.2

  • Label designer enabling you to design your own labels for various types of printers and paper sizes. Possibility of printing on divided paper (e.g. 2x5 self-adhesive labels on A4 sheet)
  • Facilitated work with barcode reader
  • Support of discounts on GIN documents
  • Possibility of defining cost groups and ascribing a given cost group to all documents
  • Function allowing to define a mode of transport and to put the chosen mode of transport on the GIN printout
  • Import of documents from Excel files

Version 2.1

  • Automatic backup of the database with configuration in settings
  • Generation of documents through copying the content of another document
  • Printing labels on barcode printers
  • Account balance report (number and value of items for a chosen account at a given time)

Version 2.0

  • Support of Agrox, Cipherlab data collectors
  • New graphic design
  • New configurable reports
  • Instructions and frequently asked questions

Version 1.10

  • Import of data from Excel
  • Support of packaging ascribed to an item
  • Item libraries - i.e. templates for quick preparation of documents basing on a previously defined list of items and quantities
  • User authorisation to individual warehouses
  • Analysis of the history of changes of stock levels and warehouse value for individual items from the document level.

Version 1.9

  • Users and log in
  • Authorisations and possibility to configure user roles
  • New type of accounts: "employees" to be used on Internal Receipt Notes and Internal Issue Notes.
  • Interbranch transfers basing on the location of the item
  • Detailed report on interbranch transfers
  • Quantity listings of items for chosen types of documents
  • Possibility to export all listings in the program to Excel

Version 1.8.8

  • Mechanism for modifying the layout of GRN and GIN reports, etc.
  • Saving the layout of reports
  • Possibility of introducing additional columns
  • Printing of any data currently on display
  • Mechanism for notifying the producer about errors
  • Error which occurred when special characters were used in the names fixed.

Version 1.8

  • Reconstruction of the program's engine in view of increasing the calculation speed for large amounts of data.
  • Grouping of inventory sheets by the creation of inventories
  • Introduction of the possibility to present the name of the company on each report
  • Adding "Profit from sales" function in the Results window
  • Low Qty Threshold, report on stock levels in all warehouses
  • Securing against the removal of GRNs, from which items were issued partially

Version 1.7

  • Introduction of LIFO and FIFO models to the program
  • Introduction of Internal GRN and Internal GIN documents
  • Improvement of the look of the reports
  • Introduction of default margin and price from the item list

Version 1.6

  • Enabling operation in a network
  • Introduction of the possibility of adjusting the precision of rounding the displayed prices and values
  • New window of item history added
  • Possibility of printing item list added
  • The printouts of the stock levels also include barcodes of the items

Version 1.5

  • Introduction of a possibility of storing and browsing through account data
  • Document browsing option developed
  • Several functions streamlining the process of entering the items onto documents were added
  • Warehouse support modernised
  • Suggested prices for items added

Version 1.4

  • Introduction of automatic document numbering
  • Possibility of item grouping added
  • Interbranch transfer document added
  • Item and document search window added
  • Division into summary reports and detailed reports
  • Using barcode reader to find an item in the warehouse made possible